Paperball Studio Apps

Simple Overtime Calculator 3.8
It's a simple calculator to figure out your overtime pay for thepay period. Just enter how many hours you worked and how much youmake per hour to find out how much your overtime hours are boostingyour check. There are 3 simple modes: weekly, bi-weekly and dailyovertime. Weekly: If you get paid every week -1.5x OT -2.0x OTBi-weekly: If you get paid every 2 weeks -1.5x OT -2.0x OT Daily:If you get paid every week but get overtime if you work more than 8hours in one day -1.5x OT for everything past 8 hours -2.0x OT foreverything past 8 hours -1.5x OT for past 8 hours and 2.0x OT forpast 12 hours